
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Industrial Estate Design Brief

Industrial Estate Design Brief

The Council's Industrial Estates at Stokesley, Northallerton, Leeming Bar and Thirsk are situated on the edge of market towns set in a rural area. A high standard of design is therefore promoted on the Estates to reflect their location. The standards set out in this Design Brief provide guidance to developers on choice of building materials, parking provision, fencing, landscaping and other design matters. A more comprehensive Design Guide is available for Stokesley Industrial Park where special considerations apply.



Good quality facing brick to all dominant elevations. Coloured profiled metal cladding, or rendered blockwork or similar finish to remaining elevations.


Profiled metal sheeting, tiles or similar materials, or in approved cases coloured asbestos sheeting.

Access, Car Parking and Manoeuvring Areas

Access, parking and manoeuvring areas should all be surfaced in a durable and attractive material to the satisfaction of the District Council.

The access and verge crossing serving individual sites should be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards laid down by the North Yorkshire County Council. In addition, provision should be made within the site for a turning area large enough to permit articulated vehicles to manoeuvre in comfort.
Parking provision should also be made in general accordance with the following standards:

Service Vehicles
Cars: Staff and Visitors
1 space per 5000m sq
1 space per 50m sq
1 space per 500m sq
1 space per 30m sq
1 space per 250m sq
1 space per 200m sq PLUS
1 space per 20m sq for offices
1 space per 20m sq
NB: Figures relate to gross floor area.

General External Appearance

The appearance of the Industrial Estate will be considerably influenced by the design and maintenance of the external areas of each site, particularly those areas between the buildings and the estate road. To ensure a satisfactory overall standard, the following requirements are drawn to your attention:

Plant or Materials
Should be stored only in approved locations, in piles or stocks not exceeding 3 metres in height. Storage areas shall be screened by walls or fences of an appropriate design and construction. Details are to be agreed by the District Council.

Security Fencing
Will be required on each site but will be restricted to the areas behind the front wall of the building. Forward of this point lower walls or fences of a satisfactory design and construction will be permitted.

Refuse Skips
Rubbish bins etc should be so sited that they are not visible from the estate road. Provision should be made to prevent the occurrence of wind blown refuse.
Storage Tanks
The siting of tanks of any description will be subject to the approval of the District Council.

In addition to requiring a satisfactory standard of design and construction the District Council will require each developer to carry out an agreed landscaping scheme including an indication of treatment and maintenance for any undeveloped parts of the site. The works are to be carried out within a prescribed period from the date of occupation of the site and be maintained thereafter by the site owner/occupier.

The details of the design and location of any advertising signs or materials will be subject to the approval of the District Council.
All developers are encouraged to discuss their proposals with the District Council at an early stage.